Get the top 5 Dos & Don’ts for your proposition, early on. Across the 6Ps. Benefits, ingredients, claims – what catches the attention in 6 seconds?

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Get the top 5 Dos & Don’ts for your proposition, early on. Across the 6Ps. Benefits, ingredients,
claims – what catches the attention in 6 seconds?


Analyze the Amazon Best Sellers for the Dos & Don’ts. Scan for similarity patterns in their propositions. Select a few star items wrt ratings & reviews. Get a final ratification from consumers.


What benefits & edgy expressions do you need for your Proposition? What Product ingredients are novel, what creates an enigma? What Promotions are best for what marketing jobs? What Price tactics are good for trial, what’s for subscriptions?


A preventive healthcare start-up needed to know which specific parts of the proposition will create the maximum disruption. Our advice was to first create relevance and then be disruptive. 3 steps. Scan the e-com @ quant scale, curate the stars as stimuli, engage in e-groups to go beyond ratings & reviews. Brilliant way to get the blue-prints of the propositions early on. Click for the top 5 learnings.

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  • A few weeks

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Because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept one we are.