Can your brand concept strike a personal chord? Is the consumer reminded of her problems and see you as a solution? Looking for development guidelines?

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Can your brand concept strike a personal chord? Is the consumer reminded of her problems
and see you as a solution? Looking for development guidelines?


We present your concept as a build-up. Estimate spontaneity thru Qual. Recycle till we achieve excellence. Then Quant evaluation. Measure Empathy & not just Relevance & Differentiation.


We deliver a transformed concept. Short yet means a lot! The proposed benefits will ring relevance in today’s lives. The RTBs will be familiar yet enigmatic. The claims should trigger help behaviour change.


A curative healthcare MNC wrote a concept about their brand offer. Our job was to transform it to what people want. Beyond what people say! In their language & with a hint of aspiration. The brand became an enabler. 70% came from the research, 30% came from evidence & experience. Click to find the top 5 learnings which can help you.

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Because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept one we are.