Make informed, customized choices for your media investments. Invest in the most popular decision pathways & media formats.

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Make informed, customized choices for your media investments. Invest in the most popular
decision pathways & media formats.


We simulate a search, a website, a social media & an e-com eco-system. Consumers navigate them with a specified motive. Passively track them over a long period to see which pathways lead to a PI.


Which media formats are crucial for your decision systems? What’s the messaging style which grabs the most time? Which keywords play a larger role for your brand search? What triggers your website visit? What holds a 6 sec+ attention in e-com?


We did this experiment in a healthcare MNC for an alternative health system. This was part of a larger forecasting experiment. We needed to know whether there are unique sources and influences when we need to convince someone of an alternative healthcare system. To our surprise, we found out that the ‘test e-pathways’ had a significant uplift compared to the control stimuli.

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Because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept one we are.