Using real time feedback mechanism to transform a good product to a great one

Learn how do we make it possible for a start-up to achieve research excellence in a limited cost & time with zero lag in consumer recall

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A start-up premium beauty-care organization had 4 ranges x 5 SKUs to test. They wanted the rigour of the old-world qual and subsequent product testing for each.


In-use product test innovation to capture the responses about product usage happen at real time. No lag time.


  • Questions designed to be asked across different days of usage & different dayparts
  • Our platform was WhatsApp so that we could take advantage of people’s habit of honest chat
  • As a result, it’s not just the WHYs in a Qual, but also the WHATs of a Quant
  • Conversation is 1:1, 90% automated; however, we got clarifications at real time

How & why does it work better than the current product testing method?

  • The questions are framed by dayparts and by each day
  • Certain questions are repeated after certain intervals to check for consistency
  • The experiment is done manually, however this can be automated in WhatsApp
  • Our data comes in both hard coded and soft coded manner
  • Again, the responses (data) for specific questions can be databased automatically
  • Variability in data can be understood and reported within the first few days
  • Identification of the discerning respondents at an early stage is easy
  • WHYs are better understood from these discerning respondents
  • This data narrative among the discerning respondents gives a good idea of drivers.
  • The good control also helps to test multiple, regime-based SKUs at the same time (all e-com ventures have a range to launch, so this method is realizable) ​
  • Regime based range testing provide learnings around product sensorials on how to trigger a behaviour to use their entire range (so that's a great value add, beyond just evaluation)

These pointers indicate why this is not just a data collection innovation but it's a research method innovation.​


  • Time: time taken for scripting of questionnaire / survey programming; No time taken for data entry, data processing & analysis (you can almost build your findings & recommendations as the usage period progresses); a 7 days usage product test takes a total of 10 / 12 days to complete; this might mean a 60%+ reduction in time from the usual 30 days time taken for the current in-use product test method
  • Costs: a ) if a range has 5 SKUs (to be used as a regime), then instead of 5 monadic tests - we are talking about 1 monadic test; costs reduce dramatically; b) for a monadic test also, survey programming & field interview, 1:1 data collection costs reduce; c) the need for separate qual & quants are eliminated to a certain extent, so a dramatic reduction
  • Quality: 1) identification of scores of discerning respondents (variance analysis of the scores from the first few days); 2) aggregate scores are far less top-boxed, more differentiated; 3) drivers are much better to identify esp among discerning respondents; 4) WHYs & WHATs from same source

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Brand Eigen


10+ video snippets on how ‘insights can be transformed into action’ as per our experience in insights, marketing & business development.

Use the indirect approach and try to hear the unsaid


Keep Brand Proposition in mind and try to find out the underlined context


Involve your personal experience


Reach beyond the Target Group


Discomfort in price will add value to your product


Judge the behavior by pitching higher or lower price than you intend


Talk about Packaging by changing order of the conversation


Channel equity to be considered


Check for the budget before investing


Have an early conversation with your board


Lets start Curating

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